
Julia interview Star Gossip

1. Tell us a little bit more about you, what are your hobbies?

I get hobbies as I go along, based on environment, inspiration! Definitely gym, I love massages, nowadays I am into strip dancing )))

2. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Three words is too few for me.
3. If you wouldn’t be making music anymore, what else would you choose?
I associate my life only with creating, movies, producing, advertising.

4. Which artists can you say that have influenced your music?
I like many, but I act on my feelings and they influence me!

5. If you could change anything in your life what would you change?
I am not sorry about anything, why would I change anything?
6. Tell us what do you feel when you perform on the stage? what are you thinking about?
I get an unbelievable charge of energy and love

7. How do you feel performing without Lena Katina?

If you are a real artist any goals are achievable.
8. Will you ever return to sing with Lena Katina?
Each one of us has her own next stage, we don’t stop at one spot.

9. Have you ever kissed a girl apart from Lena Katina?
I’ve even had experience with several females.

10. How do you think people and t.A.T.u fans will receive the You And I Movie?
The same experience as ours, there’s a lot of nuances there .It’s hard to give my opinion about every fan, person

11. Can you tell us some funny moments during the movie filming?

The funniest thing is that I was pregnant, also there was a lot of other funny stuff going on.

12. Can you tell us the real reason why t.A.T.u broke up?
We haven’t broken up, t.A.T.u. will never die….. but we can’t always be together, we’re not Siamese twins after all.

13. Will your music be similar or different from the one played in t.A.T.u?
It’s a similar principle, but of course there will be something else.

14. Tell us who are you working with for your first album and when will it be ready?
Many internal people. I can’t tell you when it’s done,I don’t have a date yet.

15. On the album, are there any collaborations with other artists?
There are ideas but they are still being discussed.

16. When will you launch your first single and which is its message?

I don’t want to promise anything about the single’s release, we experiment a lot, every time trying out something new.

17. Which are the most important lessons you have learned throughout your career?
Career in itself is a huge experience, I live and breathe with it.

18. Which are the 3 secrets to become a superstar?
To believe in yourself, remain yourself and work plenty.

19. To your artist view, what are the main differences between USA and Russia?
These are two opposites, mentality and culture.

20. What can you tell us about your personal life, relationships and so on?
I met the man of my dreams, we accepted Islam!!! We live for each other and our future.

21. We know that you have broke up with Parviz Yasinov, can you tell us why and how this has affected you?

I rather do not comment on the past.

22. Is there any goal in your mind that you would love to do before you die?
To leave a trace in history and help people find the answers, to sort out who I am.

23. Leave a message for all your fans!
I’m always with you, see you soon, love and cherish each other.

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